How we do it?

We work to improve today’s education to inspire the professionals of tomorrow.
We work to transform education in Central America and the Caribbean. This is our main goal, making a region with more and better opportunities for learning and growing, at school, community and in every environment. Our programs and projects have been designed carefully to provide meaningful, relevant and collaborative learning at all levels, harnessing the valuable power of technology to democratize good education.
To guarantee the success of those teachers in transition progress, it is key that they have basic digital fluency, that is why we focus on the development of digital skills in the channels and tools available, something that will allow them to successfully pass through each one of the phases of the program through scheduled courses, didactic material and pedagogical support to transform your current pedagogical practice with success and relevance.
For many years we have used a wide variety of training resources, in the classroom and outside of it, one by one, among pairs and group play workshops. We have always been very close to the beneficiary teachers of the program – and with others – fostering adequate spaces for continuous learning, the development of greater digital fluency and collaboration. The context and experience of teachers have nurtured these training processes over time and throughout the region. We work to impact three main areas related with pedagogy, technology and scholar curriculum.
Our virtual education model deals with impacting the entire current learning ecosystem, that is why we designed four core programs, one for each specific audience. Our approach is comprehensive and inclusive.

Monitoring and Evaluation
The passion to change the world forces us to test our impact
Thanks to the rigor and excellence of our team and the methodologies that we design and implement, the monitoring and evaluation system of Fundación Zamora Terán was worked on in technical cooperation with the World Bank Nicaragua. We know how to share knowledge and good practices, which is why many companies and organizations have trusted us to evaluate their projects and programs with the highest quality standards and the latest trends in international evaluation.
We believe in the importance of data and evaluation. That is why all our projects are rigorously monitored and evaluated by the Foundation’s team of experts.
Before, during, and after implementations, we carry out comprehensive and scientific work that allows us to measure and test the impact of what we do, to guarantee beneficiaries, societies, donors, and governments that our work and their contributions improve education and quality of life for the children and their families.
The evaluative discipline is a transversal aspect of our entire operation. Our commitment to efficiency, effectiveness, and responsibility in the use of resources encourages us to evaluate and monitor all our actions, current, and future, using mechanisms and indicators that are easy to understand and whose implementation is efficient and possible at all times, and place.

Transformative alliances
We partner with the best to achieve sustainable, scalable, and inclusive development for Central American children.
Collaboration is in our DNA. We love creating and learning with companies, organizations, people, and teams that share our ideals and values. Government cooperation agencies, companies, and NGOs have allied with us to bring better educational opportunities to Central American children.
With the motto “joining efforts we build the future”, multisectoral alliances are promoted with communities, companies, countries, and regions to obtain resources such as financing, research, and human capital, in order to achieve the execution of projects that make possible the expansion and development of an inclusive and comprehensive educational model.
For more than ten years these alliances have allowed us to transform the lives of thousands of children and families throughout the region, investing in the improvement of their education.
Let’s talk!

We democratize access to disruptive technologies to transform education and the future of our countries
Since our beginnings we have promoted – with the help of technological tools – the learning of science and mathematics in all our interventions. Science, technology and the humanities are necessary for the development of a good education. Aware of the importance of business intelligence, we implemented the use of data tools to improve our processes at all levels of operation, so we can visualize all inventories, scopes, and priorities of attention in real-time.
Thousands of laptops and other technological equipment have served to positively and sustainably impact education in the countries where we work, fostering learning experiences that transform lives, families and communities. Our technical support model for sustainability has made it possible to keep the educational tools used by children active and extend their useful life to increase their impact. We have also managed to develop technical skills among the beneficiaries of our programs to generate autonomy and local capacity regarding the use and maintenance of educational tools.
As part of a great digital literacy strategy for different sectors allied to our Foundation, we designed an offer of courses on technology and programming, always trying to forge the skills and competencies necessary for more active citizenship in digital societies.
Schools, colleges, companies, and other organizations trust the professional development of their teams in the experts of Fundación Zamora Terán, who thanks to their training services have managed to positively impact the skills and job competencies of many professionals.

We believe in solidarity as an engine of social change
Student and corporate volunteer programs have been key to the growth and sustainability of our work. During these years we have added more than 12,000 volunteers from different countries who have put their strength and knowledge at the disposal of education and Central American children through our volunteer programs and activities.
Schools, universities, companies, and international volunteers have successfully joined the Foundation’s work over time, actively participating in tasks related to education, logistics, administration, fundraising, technology and technical support, monitoring and evaluation and communications.
With success and responsibility, we designed a comprehensive training program for volunteers in return for their efforts and generous collaboration with the children of Central America.
Comprehensive Training Program for Volunteers
Its main objective is to enhance the leadership skills in volunteers through the strengthening of soft and hard skills, which contribute to their life purpose and professional development. It uses Human-Centered Design as its main methodology for the development of soft skills.

Data Intelligence
We recognize the importance of making intelligent decisions based on accurate and relevant data when undertaking our challenges. This allows us to:
1. to have a comprehensive view of all data in the organization.
2. Provide accurate and relevant information, which supports strategic decision making in the organization.
3. Facilitate the detection of inefficiencies through data analysis, thus enabling process optimization and increased operational efficiency.
FZT tracks the location of each of the computers at different levels, providing detailed and traceable information for decision making.