




Girls and Boys benefited

Issac Muñóz
Student, One Laptop Per Child Program, Nicaragua.
When I grow up I will be a great engineer, that's my dream, that's why I come to school and I make an effort every day, my teacher tells me that if I continue like this I will achieve it; Now I became a Child Monitor and I have learned about leadership and values and in class I like to help my classmates with their laptop the topics that our teacher teaches us.
Mrs. Yadira Rosales
Beneficiary, Hub Edutech Project, Costa Rica.
I am a cancer survivor and thought I would never overcome my fear of touching a computer. At first I was terrified, but with the help of my teacher, I gained confidence and really enjoyed everything I learned.
Mayra Montenegro
Beneficiary, One Laptop Per Child Program, Nicaragua.
This year, I was fortunate to have two autistic children in my classroom. Although I was initially unprepared to serve this type of student, I prepared myself and began the transformation in my work as a teacher. Over time, I have acquired new skills and knowledge through technology, which have allowed me to not only provide adequate support to these two students, but also to enrich the learning experience of all my 5th grade students.

Through the educational tools provided to me and the constant accompaniment on behalf of the Foundation, in addition to the unwavering support of the father of the family of these two autistic children, they now not only read perfectly, but also understand what they read. This achievement is the result of a collective effort and the conviction that every child, regardless of their differences, deserves the opportunity to learn and grow.
Genaro Amaya
Beneficiary, One Laptop Per Child Program, Honduras.
I have been teaching for more than 10 years and have benefited from the Educational Program “One Laptop per Child” and the results are phenomenal, the children now want to learn more and are very curious about technology, learning is now meaningful and is no longer boring. Ricardo's case fills us with pride since he is doing his Professional Practice at Grupo LAFISE, as a teacher I feel extremely proud.

“My experience integrating technology in the classroom is incredible and I can tell you that it works!”.
Ricardo Villagra
XO Generation, One Laptop Per Child Program, Honduras.
Can you imagine having a computer from the age of 6? I am Ricardo Villagra and throughout my basic education I had the opportunity to have my own computer and also teachers trained to integrate technology to bring out my full potential.

Since I was a child I was able to enter the technological world and develop skills such as mathematical logic, programming and computational thinking, among others; thanks to that I feel able to face the working world and solve problems. I am about to enter the University and I feel very confident in my abilities; soon I will be a Systems Engineer.
Innovative girls and boys
Innovative girls and boys
Information managers
Students with an active role
Unidos para transformar la región
Unidos para transformar la región
Los hogares, las nuevas escuelas

La llegada del COVID 19 nos ha obligado a reinventarnos, modificando y creando nuevos procesos que satisfagan las necesidades educativas del siglo XXI, dicho contexto requiere que los padres y madres de familia se involucren en el aprendizaje en casa, transformando los hogares en las nuevas escuelas

Fundación Zamora Terán expone su modelo y visión en evento regional sobre colaboraciones para el futuro.
Fundación Zamora Terán expone su modelo y visión en evento regional sobre colaboraciones para el futuro.
¡Desafío Hacktívate! Conectando la mente con el cambio

Frente al avance de la pandemia de COVID-19 en Nicaragua y los riesgos que podría generar una propagación del virus a mayor escala, UNICEF y Fundación Zamora Terán han centrado su respuesta en apoyar la continuidad de los servicios esenciales (educación, salud y protección) para niñas niños, adolescentes y mujeres y la mitigación del impacto de la epidemia.

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